The Brahma Kumaris, an international spiritual organization, have several key objectives that guide their work and mission. These objectives are based on their teachings of spiritual awareness, self-realization, and the promotion of peace and harmony in the world.
The Brahma Kumaris aim to empower individuals with knowledge, meditation, and service to build a more spiritually conscious and harmonious society. Their belief is rooted in the idea that peace, love, and wisdom within individuals can manifest as collective peace and prosperity for the world.
Explore the fundamental objectives of the Brahma Kumaris, focusing on personal spiritual growth, ethical living, and collective efforts toward a peaceful and prosperous society.
To help individuals understand their true identity as souls, separate from the body, and to recognize the inherent qualities of peace, love, and wisdom within themselves.
To teach and practice Rajyoga meditation, a technique that fosters direct connection with God (the Supreme Soul) and leads to the purification of the mind, body, and soul.
Learn how the Brahma Kumaris contribute to societal and global well-being through the promotion of inner peace, humanitarian services, and initiatives that uplift communities worldwide.
To contribute to the creation of a peaceful world by promoting inner peace, tolerance, and positive thinking in individuals and society.
To serve humanity by offering humanitarian services such as disaster relief, health and wellness programs, educational support, and women's empowerment.
To raise awareness about environmental sustainability and the importance of living in harmony with nature.
The Brahma Kumaris strongly advocate for women’s education, leadership, and participation in both spiritual and social development, emphasizing their equal role in creating a peaceful world.
The organization encourages sustainable living practices based on respect for the environment, highlighting the spiritual connection between all living beings.
Understand how the Brahma Kumaris inspire individuals to embrace universal values such as truth, love, and integrity while offering spiritual education for people from all walks of life.
To encourage the practice of universal values such as truth, love, purity, humility, and integrity in daily life.
To provide spiritual education and teachings to people from all walks of life, regardless of race, religion, or nationality.
The Brahma Kumaris’ objectives are focused on empowering individuals and creating a peaceful and harmonious world through spirituality, meditation, and universal values.
©2024. All rights reserves by Agriculture & Rural Development Wing of Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation of Brahma Kumaris.