
Video Gallery

Seminar Recordings

National Conference and Rajyoga Retreat on

Indian Agricultural Vision and Holistic Rural Development 2024

This event is a national conference and Rajyoga retreat centered on the theme  “Natural Farming –Sustainable Yogic Agriculture And Holistic Rural Development

स्वागत एवं उदघाटन सत्र I कृषि एवं ग्राम विकास प्रभाग I ज्ञान सरोवर I माउण्ट आबू (राज.) I 13जून 24

Welcome and Inaugural

A New Thought, A New Direction,
and Better Agriculture

Formulas for a Successful and Happy Life

Solutions and Diagnosis of Climate Change

Cultural Program

Planned Steps for Comprehensive Village Development

The Life Story of Brahma Baba

Rajrishi Gram Dattak Yojana

Reconstruction of a Golden, Empowered, and Self-Reliant India

The Cycle of Time